- class QMatrix {
- public:
- virtual Qfloat *get_Q(int column, int len) const = 0;//纯虚函数,在子类中实现,important!
- virtual double *get_QD() const = 0;
- virtual void swap_index(int i, int j) const = 0;
- virtual ~QMatrix() {}
- };
- class Kernel: public QMatrix {
- public:
- Kernel(int l, svm_node * const * x, const svm_parameter& param);
- virtual ~Kernel();
- static double k_function(const svm_node *x, const svm_node *y,
- const svm_parameter& param);
- virtual Qfloat *get_Q(int column, int len) const = 0;
- virtual double *get_QD() const = 0;
- virtual void swap_index(int i, int j) const // no so const...
- {
- swap(x[i],x[j]);
- if(x_square) swap(x_square[i],x_square[j]);
- }
- protected:
- double (Kernel::*kernel_function)(int i, int j) const;
- private:
- const svm_node **x;//用来指向样本数据,每次数据传入时通过克隆函数来实现,完全重新分配内存,主要是为处理多类着想
- double *x_square;//使用RBF 核才使用
- // svm_parameter
- const int kernel_type;
- const int degree;
- const double gamma;
- const double coef0;
- static double dot(const svm_node *px, const svm_node *py);
- double kernel_linear(int i, int j) const
- {
- return dot(x[i],x[j]);
- }
- double kernel_poly(int i, int j) const
- {
- return powi(gamma*dot(x[i],x[j])+coef0,degree);
- }
- double kernel_rbf(int i, int j) const
- {
- return exp(-gamma*(x_square[i]+x_square[j]-2*dot(x[i],x[j])));
- }
- double kernel_sigmoid(int i, int j) const
- {
- return tanh(gamma*dot(x[i],x[j])+coef0);
- }
- double kernel_precomputed(int i, int j) const
- {
- return x[i][(int)(x[j][0].value)].value;
- }
- };
- //
- // Kernel evaluation
- //
- // the static method k_function is for doing single kernel evaluation
- // the constructor of Kernel prepares to calculate the l*l kernel matrix
- // the member function get_Q is for getting one column from the Q Matrix
- //
- class QMatrix {
- public:
- virtual Qfloat *get_Q(int column, int len) const = 0;
- virtual double *get_QD() const = 0;
- virtual void swap_index(int i, int j) const = 0;
- virtual ~QMatrix() {}
- };
- class Kernel: public QMatrix {
- public:
- Kernel(int l, svm_node * const * x, const svm_parameter& param);//构造函数
- virtual ~Kernel();
- static double k_function(const svm_node *x, const svm_node *y,
- const svm_parameter& param);
- virtual Qfloat *get_Q(int column, int len) const = 0;
- virtual double *get_QD() const = 0;
- virtual void swap_index(int i, int j) const // no so const...
- {
- swap(x[i],x[j]);
- if(x_square) swap(x_square[i],x_square[j]);
- }
- protected:
- double (Kernel::*kernel_function)(int i, int j) const;
- private:
- const svm_node **x;//用来指向样本数据,每次数据传入时通过克隆函数来实现,完全重新分配内存,主要是为处理多类着想
- double *x_square;//使用RBF 核才使用
- // svm_parameter
- const int kernel_type;
- const int degree;
- const double gamma;
- const double coef0;
- static double dot(const svm_node *px, const svm_node *py);
- double kernel_linear(int i, int j) const
- {
- return dot(x[i],x[j]);
- }
- double kernel_poly(int i, int j) const
- {
- return powi(gamma*dot(x[i],x[j])+coef0,degree);
- }
- double kernel_rbf(int i, int j) const
- {
- return exp(-gamma*(x_square[i]+x_square[j]-2*dot(x[i],x[j])));
- }
- double kernel_sigmoid(int i, int j) const
- {
- return tanh(gamma*dot(x[i],x[j])+coef0);
- }
- double kernel_precomputed(int i, int j) const
- {
- return x[i][(int)(x[j][0].value)].value;
- }
- };
- //构造函数,初始化类中的部分常量,指定核函数,克隆样本数据。如果使用RBF核函数,则计算x_square[i]
- Kernel::Kernel(int l, svm_node * const * x_, const svm_parameter& param)
- :kernel_type(param.kernel_type), degree(param.degree),
- gamma(param.gamma), coef0(param.coef0)
- {
- switch(kernel_type)
- {
- case LINEAR:
- kernel_function = &Kernel::kernel_linear;
- break;
- case POLY:
- kernel_function = &Kernel::kernel_poly;
- break;
- case RBF:
- kernel_function = &Kernel::kernel_rbf;
- break;
- case SIGMOID:
- kernel_function = &Kernel::kernel_sigmoid;
- break;
- kernel_function = &Kernel::kernel_precomputed;
- break;
- }
- clone(x,x_,l);//void clone(T*& dst, S* src, int n)
- if(kernel_type == RBF)
- {
- x_square = new double[l];
- for(int i=0;i<l;i++)
- x_square[i] = dot(x[i],x[i]);
- }
- else
- x_square = 0;
- }
- Kernel::~Kernel()
- {
- delete[] x;
- delete[] x_square;
- }
- double Kernel::dot(const svm_node *px, const svm_node *py)
- {
- double sum = 0;
- while(px->index != -1 && py->index != -1)
- {
- if(px->index == py->index)
- {
- sum += px->value * py->value;
- ++px;
- ++py;
- }
- else
- {
- if(px->index > py->index)
- ++py;
- else
- ++px;
- }
- }
- return sum;
- }
- double Kernel::k_function(const svm_node *x, const svm_node *y,
- const svm_parameter& param)
- {
- switch(param.kernel_type)
- {
- case LINEAR:
- return dot(x,y);
- case POLY:
- return powi(param.gamma*dot(x,y)+param.coef0,param.degree);
- case RBF:
- {
- double sum = 0;
- while(x->index != -1 && y->index !=-1)
- {
- if(x->index == y->index)
- {
- double d = x->value - y->value;
- sum += d*d;
- ++x;
- ++y;
- }
- else
- {
- if(x->index > y->index)
- {
- sum += y->value * y->value;
- ++y;
- }
- else
- {
- sum += x->value * x->value;
- ++x;
- }
- }
- }
- while(x->index != -1)
- {
- sum += x->value * x->value;
- ++x;
- }
- while(y->index != -1)
- {
- sum += y->value * y->value;
- ++y;
- }
- return exp(-param.gamma*sum);
- }
- case SIGMOID:
- return tanh(param.gamma*dot(x,y)+param.coef0);
- case PRECOMPUTED: //x: test (validation), y: SV
- return x[(int)(y->value)].value;
- default:
- return 0; // Unreachable
- }
- }